Find my latest research below!
- Causal progress with imperfect placebo treatments and outcomes (with Chad Hazlett) arXiv
- Selection into the Sample and into Treatment: Tools for Internally Valid Causal Inference (Dissertation) Link
- Twitter readers’ experience of algorithmic amplification of US politicians over time (draft forthcoming soon; with Luca Belli)
- Revisiting sample selection as a threat to internal validity: A new analytical tool, lessons, and examples (with Chad Hazlett) Draft
- Sensitivity Analysis for Sample Selection as a Threat to Internal Validity (with Chad Hazlett) Draft
- Instrumental Variables with Sample Selection: Opportunities, Threats, and Graphs (with Chad Hazlett) Draft
- Rational Bias in Inflation Expectations (with Robert Murphy) Paper, Final Working Version
Other Projects
- Stanford CISIL Data Challenge 2022 (with David Ami Wulf, Pablo Geraldo, Sarah Sotoudeh, Chad Hazlett, and Onyebuchi Arah) Paper
- Modern Model-Based Bayesian Causal Inference for Randomized Experiments with Hamiltonian Monte Carlo in Stan Paper, Repository
- Screening AlexNet Hyperparameters with MNIST (with Ashley Chiu) Paper, Repository
- Cooking Up Recipes: A Recipe Recommender Based on Text Similarity (with Ashley Chiu and Ritvik Kharkar) Paper, Repository
- Political Extremism and Election System: A Study of Confounding of the Results of Single Round versus Runoff Elections under Plurality Rule (with Xuan Huynh, Andrew Shapiro, and Brandon Thoma) Paper, Slides, Repository
- ATP Tennis Match Data Analysis (In Progress) Repository
- SVD-Based Watermarking Schemes (with Ian McGovern and Annie Zhang) Paper, Repository